Node JS
It is a server side JS
using this we can write web programming API in JS language. we don't need to learn new language for this purpose alone.
Earlier there were Java, C#, etc..,
So with help of Node JS, even a front end Devs can write the backend code for their applications. (JavaScript everywhere ;) )
It is used by many big corporates in the world like IBM, Microsoft, LinkedIn, GoDaddy etc..,
So what is the main features of Node JS other than the above.
Features of Node JS
Cross Platform
Easily Scalable
syntax are simpler than Java
can write code faster and easier
It has vast set of libraries - npm, more than 1.3 million currently
Dive into Node JS architecture
Opensource it runs on top of Google Chrome's V8 engine
Earlier JavaScript was used to run only inside the web browsers, in 2009 by Ryan Dahl
It has an event driven architecture,
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